Saturday 17 April 2010

day 41 - last day

Ring! there goes the alarm. *snooze* 

Oh my god its already 6.40. Time to rush. Brush my teeth, wash my face and pack all these things into my check-in luggage. 

Wen Jie and Dong Xiang came back with breakfast for us. We drag our luggage out after that and bring it to the bus just park outside the school.

Leaving of WUST campus to the airport.

Upon reaching the airport, all of us break into our assigned groups to have our luggage weigh to make sure it doesn't exceed 30kg as any additional weigh will cost us 110rmb.

boarding of the transit plane for our flight to Guangzhou but it didn't depart on time and departed at 1.30pm instead. We had our lunch at Wuhan airport. The whole airport only have one shop that caters food.

these are all the luggages we had inside our room ready to be check-out. 

We faced many problems during the transit flight. We were only given 15minutes to change to our next plane. Furthermore, we are told to take out luggage from the luggage belt and to re check-in again due to the massive amount of luggage we had. All this took up lots of time and it was already 5pm by the time we board the plane. 

Due to the delay in flight, we only reach Singapore at 10.05pm which was about 1 and a half hour behind schedule. 

After pulling out my luggage from the luggage belt i only get to leave the airport at 11pm.


Throughout this 42days i felt that i have learnt lots of lessons. If i have chosen not to come, it would have miss a great opportunity to expose myself to a country filled with such diverse culture. Without my parents around, i learnt how to lead an independent life, learn how to take care of myself, buy my own essential, gauge how much i can spent each day, settle my own meals and how to take care of myself when i fall sick.

last but not least i would like to thank our China friends who have been taking care of us all along:
Dong Xiang
Zhi Xiong

Friday 16 April 2010

day 40 - 2nd last day:(

the 2nd last day before we leave.

*the weather has turn cold today out of a sudden like the first few days we reach here*

All of us were to get our room cleared by 12pm today as we were supposed to have our luggage weight by 12.30pm. Hence, we were supposed to pack everything inside our luggage so that no additional things can be added on after that.

As my check-in luggage is only 18kg, i can afford to lend some weigh to my friends as their luggage had already exceed 30kg.
after the settling and organizing with what we have to do with our luggage, my group went outside to film our IS video. We did individual video shooting for introducing purpose as well as some group photos at certain parts of the school.

After settling with our IS project, we went to 发源地 to have our hair done. Our china peeps arrange something for us and told us that we were suppose to be in  our dorm at 8.30pm. Hence, we went back after having our hair done.

The moment we reached back, they immediately brought us out to a hotel near by which is just at the place beside the posh hotel we dine in at the farewell dinner.
We played mahjong, on the television, open bottles of cokes, sprites, lemon tea and played poker cards. Of course we didn't gamble just pure games like bluff and HEART ATTACK!

We leave the hotel at 11.15pm to head back to our hotel as the dormitory closes at 11.30pm and we need to pack our essentials like toothbrush and towels and some clothings before leaving early in the morning tomorrow.

a gift given by Zhi xiong

Time flies so fast. International friendship always come with a deadline. Consume within this period end within this period. When it ends, what u can endeavor is the nice sweet feeling churning in your stomach. Only meant to be think of is the perfect impression and not the surge to get it back again cause its impossible. Perhaps its this that makes memories so precious and unforgettable. I will never forget this 42 days here.

Day 39 - Packing

Today was Free and Easy but i chose not to go out as i need to pack my things. My room-mates went to Wal-mart to buy some snacks to bring it back to Singapore. But you know what they meant when they mean when they went to buy snacks. It actually means cartons of food! Today was raining so it wasn't really very convenient to go out too.

I took a afternoon nap after that, did some blogging and went to eat buffet for dinner at the street just behind our school with Meize, Xiaogang, DongXiang, WeiQin, Janice and Soon ling. The buffet was very similar to our Singapore Economic Rice just that the price varies according to the weigh of your food. An additional $1 is added on for your rice. But there is a free-flow of rice and porridge after that.

I went back to my hostel after that.

the area where you can choose what dishes you want

day 37 - Farewell dinner

woke up at 9.45 am as we are intending to have our hair wash at 发源地 before going out with our hair stylist that day. Due to our late arrival, we reached there at about 1pm.

In the morning there was a basketball match too with the china students.

After getting our hair-wash, we went to roller blade near our school together with our hairstylist number 20 and 28. It cost us only 8rmb( 6rmb for the entrance fee and 2 rmb for the rental of shoes). it was great fun as it was our very first time having roller blade on our heels with 4 wheels.

after roller blading we took a mini-tram back to school for just 10rmb for the 7 of us:) The tram doesn't have the license to drive in the main road hence the driver drive straight into the little town, turning into the narrow alley. It was definitely better than taking the taxi as we saw lots of things that we usually wouldn't to see. For example, rooster roaming outside the house of its owner. people playing mahjong outside their stalls.

We have to get ready for our farewell dinner at 5pm. Hence upon getting back, we walk to WUST front gate to assemble ourselves.

The dinner was held at a posh restaurant not far away from our school. Perhaps a 15 mins walk.
Dishes were to our liking. Very Singapore style and they were not too spicy or salty as what we were afraid of.

Over the past 42 days, it was because of our China peeps that help us get back the feeling of being home. Its because of their warm and hospitality that make our stay here comfortable and enjoyable. I think communication is very important in this century we are living right now. If you don't possess the skill of communicating effectively, you wouldn't be able to relate to other people regardless of how brilliant your idea is. They actually take the effort to bring us out to buy our essentials during out first few days. Buy telephone SIM card for us and ect. Without them, our stay would perhaps become topsy turvy. 

Day 36 - Free and Easy

today was Free and Easy and we went to 江汉路 for our usual 豆花 and COCO bubble tea. But before that, all of us went to Bank of China to have our Singapore money exchange. the rate for cash exchange is 4.71. Whereas if u were to withdraw using ATM cards, they will charge it with 3% tax for whatever amount you withdraw.

ATM Machine

Registration Number 

After withdrawing, the guys and the girls split into two groups as both of us wanted to get our own things. We went to Ajisen to have our dinner before going to 步行街 to shop for cheap and nice clothes. We met up with Wei Qin and Cynthia after that to head back together as we are already done with our shopping. However there are the five of us and the taxi can only sit 4 people. Thus Wei Qin and Cynthia took the motobike back to enjoy a different experience.


In China, there are all types of illegal occupations which u can think of. When we were inside the Bank of China, there were cheater approaching us near the doorstep. They were persuading us to exchange money with them instead of the bank as they were able to give us a higher rate. Although Bank of China were being guarded by the police force, it was still shocking that illegal activities are carried out. They were only chased away after being seen pestering the customer there. Perhaps heavy fines can be impose to stop all this illegal activities from going on.. In china, i feel that one is also able to survive even if you don't have a official job. You can do things without a license. Hence, more freedom though it is illegal to do so.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

day 38 - Free and Easy

Since we were about to leave China, our cliques were using every last chances with have to bond with our China friends. Today, they brought us to 四门口 where there is a whole stretch full of food sold on the streets. 
it cost only 3 for 15rmb. 

After eating, we took a speed boat which cost only 5rmb to 江汉路 just across the river. 

the whole journey was only about 5minutes long. 

Our main purpose of going 江汉路 is because Cynthia wanted to collect her photo album while the rest of us wanted to walk around and grab some bite. 

We then took bus 588 back to xu dong road for our dinner. It was a buffet and it cost us only 30rmb after student discount.  the reason of this buffet was for us to enjoy our very last dinner together. 

the restaurant is playing Lady GaGa song on repeat. 

today was actually a very simple day with not much shopping just plain bonding with our china friends. 42 days seems to pass so quickly with so much memories and knowledge i learnt in such a short time. Its kind of heart-wrenching that i am going back soon. to think that i am kind of reluctant to come here when i am still in Singapore. 

Day 35 - Trip to Wust new campus

WE gathered at 9am at our learning block for our trip to 黄家湖 (Wuhan university of science and technology).

It was a one hour bus ride there and apparently most of us were knocked out on the bus. *yawn*

We were welcomed by the volunteers upon alighting from the bus. Each of us were brought to the front gate of the foreign language building to have a group photo taken. 1 2 3 say cheese....
Even the electronic signboard were dedicated for us!

each of us draw lots to find out the buddy assigned for us for the day. We were then brought to a mini hall to watch the performance they have prepared for us.

Dance performance

Since they have already performed for us, shouldn't it be time for us to reciprocate something back? we dance what we have prepared for the exchange programme during our first week here. though it was a bit rush, i'm glad that every thing turn out smoothly. 

The next program lined up for us is a tour around the school library history museum. Over there i was introduced the history of WUST. The WUST campus is actually a combination of several different schools and was formed in the later years. Since it was a new school school, their facilities were all very advanced and  was many times bigger than the place we were living in. 
School library. 

Overview of the whole campus. BIG!!!

肥肠炒面 which cost 6rmb. 

Magnetite ore.
 At 2pm, we had games at the basketball field.

Example would be passing ping-pong balls from one end to the other using chopsticks.
Tying two peoples up to pass the ball.

after games playing, we were brought to the laboratory where they were live sample of dead human. There were even dead foetus over there.

rabbit nervous system

After the end of the gallery, we were then sent back to school. We were dead beat by then but nevertheless we manage to make more friends over there and get a few of their warm hospitality.

There is a big difference in the education in China and Singapore. When they ask us what grade are we in,  most of us don't really know how to reply as they don't have polytechnics over there. So most of us tell them we are either from 高中(JC) or 大一 ( university freshman).
Different countries have different way of governing their country. There is a great difference in terms of laws, education and military. This China trip is an eye-opener for me. I have learnt lots of things. Even the girls have to go through basic military training when they enter university training.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

day 34 - Project Presentation

Woke up at 8.30am today
Seems like everyone burn the midnight oil yesterday.
Today was PM final project presentation.
Everyone one was punctual and group leaders draw lots to decide on the order of the presentation.
…. My group was announced as the first group which was the opposite of the previous time we presented.
Our presentation carried out smoothly and all of us did a reflection at the end of the presentation.
I think out group did a pretty good job and Cynthia was a very good leader. I am glad to be able to work with her. Everyone’s hard work paid off.

Some groups even add on a skit and video as a bonus!

We went back to our hostel to rest to catch some sleep as everyone is sleep deprived! 
Went back to 发源地 to have my hair treatment-ed. Today my hair stylist isn't here so i asked stylist no.2 to have my hair done.


Back at the hostel i receive a sudden knock at my doorstep. Upon opening, the hairdresser in-charge of washing my hair as well as cynthia. I am very touched that they really treated us as real friends and came to find us although it was a short visit. 

A few days back, one of their mother even offered us to go to her house to have home-made dinner as she thinks that we would definitely miss our home food being away for such a long period of time. A small and simple love can simply exist in such a small days time and let alone few minutes. family warmth have been missing from my life for so long. * looking forward to it*

day 33 - Revision for IS

miss Neo gave us lollipop before class starts
Today marks the second last day of our lesson. We had our revision for the final written exam carried out before moving on to the past year’s paper.
Throughout this short 42 days or can I say 30 days minus all the weekends off days we had, I am amazed by what we can learnt in such a short time. It isn’t easy to learn so much chapters + practical + project in such a short time.
It’s the very first time I make full use of my holidays to learn something here and to add on its overseas.
We ended at around 12+ after everything and we do not have any lesson in the afternoon as we do not intend to try this year exam paper.
I went to our school back alley to have my lunch there. Its Yong Tau Foo.
After lunch, I used my computer for a while before taking a short nap. I didn’t go shopping as I am on a tight budget. *laugh*J
Had 卤饭 for dinner and me and my roommates bought mutton sticks as an add-on. We did not finish the mutton sticks as it was simply too pepper-ish. *cough*

Day 32 - Free and Easy

Today was free and easy everything was own time own target. we woke up only at about 11am to replenish our deprived our sleep. Did my blogging before going out to have lunch. I was utterly famished by then. *faint*

by 2pm me and cliques are ready to set out. We took bus 702 to 光谷. Today was unusually packed as it is both a weekend and public holiday. me , wenjie and Daryl decided to seperate ourselves from the girl as there are more male stuff at the shopping mall. 

we bought bubble tea at our favorite COCO station. This time it was Pearl Milk Tea. Walk around the shopping mall. shop for clothes, saw a really nice bag pack which i am really keen on buying but didn't due to money constraint. 

i went back to the shop whereby i bought my yellow bag pack from the previous time and to my surprise, the salesperson actually remember me and gave wave to me from afar with a grin. :)

i was practically touched that she actually remembers me. such service just makes customer wants to shop at the shop again. this is the first time that a particular salesperson actually remembers me for buying something off their shop. 

Though value added service is important to make a person come back for more products, it is more important to take note that a good experience is also needed. This is where my knowledge from Service Operation Management comes in useful. 

Tuesday 6 April 2010

day 31 - 湖北省博物馆 & 东湖

8.30 am
湖北省博物馆 was our destination today. On our journey there, the tour guide told us that we would be able to see various instrument and clothing of the past civilization of the CHU people. Emperor clothing and the first discovered human fossils.

The security over there was heavily guarded and we were not allowed to bring water inside. Bag checks were to be put under those machines that you see in the airport.

ancient piano.

emperor belt.

ancient coins

the tip of emperor hats

camwhoring as we arrived earlier than the meeting time


东湖  was free and easy and our meeting time was at 2pm which means we have 3 hours of spare time.

we had picnic at a nearby shelter. and walk down the coast. 东湖  is pretty beautiful and romantic and of course you would be able to spot lots of couples taking wedding photo over there.

roller coaster spotted!

are you game?

nice lake

Upon reaching school, i took a short nap before joining cynthia to have our PM project done. After which, our cliques went back to the salon to have our hair treatment-ed. *laugh*:)

Through the museum trip i learnt how the past people uses raw material without chemically process to lead their daily lives. For example, food cooked without MSG, coins made of copper where there aren't any fake notes and coins. Where emperor rules the country instead of the government. Perhaps its this type of less carefree and unpolluted type of living that makes the people living in the past live longer and healthier where cancer and AIDS are still uncommon or can i say unknown. Its amazing to see how the world has revolutionized over the past few century at such a rapid rate.

Saturday 3 April 2010

day 30 - Coca Cola factory

today was an extraordinary excursion. It was a tour around the Coca Cola factory in Wuhan.
We board the bus at the school front gate at 8.30am and headed to our destination. During the journey there, there was a jam in the expressway and there was a stench of foul gas inside the bus. Everyone of us opened the window as the smell of it is just too overwhelming.

Put your fingers on your lips! when we were told to line up in 2 straight lines

Upon reaching, we were then brought to their hall room where a short video clip of the history of Coca-Cola was made. Well, Coca-Cola was first made in 1886 and was first sold in medical halls with a average of 9 glasses sold per day. However, it has a sales of 15 billion right now and is classified as one of the most valuable company on Earth. Whats more, Coca-Cola was also involved in lots of charity program, self-organized concert and collaborations with lots of artist around the world. 

this is where the knowledge i learnt from DGCH ( dangerous cargo goods handling) come into good use.

After the short video clip, we were then brought to the manufacturing section to show the brief process of coke making. We were not able to see the process of making coke as they were currently under going maintenance. 

this is the warehouse to store coke. they are ready to be transported to be every parts of Wuhan. 

after which we are free to look through the gallery section and have our photos taken. 

isnt the teddy bear cute?

Upon reaching back to school, we had our lunch and went out to 江汉路 again. Today we plan to have a short trip and buy our food for picnic at wal-mart. we had our dinner at Ajisen and mine was japanese style fried rice! yum yum 

During today's Coca-Cola trip, i am able to get a closer insight into how coke was processed before being. distributed out. Since we are living in the 21st century things are very modernized and few manpower are needed as most of the things are done by machine. From a mere 9 glass to a average sales of 15 billion, the increase was remarkable. this could be seen from their illustrious history and the hard work from each generation successor. Hence,i believe that everything is possible as long as we have the patience to see the result and exercise the correct strategy.