Friday 16 April 2010

Day 39 - Packing

Today was Free and Easy but i chose not to go out as i need to pack my things. My room-mates went to Wal-mart to buy some snacks to bring it back to Singapore. But you know what they meant when they mean when they went to buy snacks. It actually means cartons of food! Today was raining so it wasn't really very convenient to go out too.

I took a afternoon nap after that, did some blogging and went to eat buffet for dinner at the street just behind our school with Meize, Xiaogang, DongXiang, WeiQin, Janice and Soon ling. The buffet was very similar to our Singapore Economic Rice just that the price varies according to the weigh of your food. An additional $1 is added on for your rice. But there is a free-flow of rice and porridge after that.

I went back to my hostel after that.

the area where you can choose what dishes you want

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