Friday 16 April 2010

day 37 - Farewell dinner

woke up at 9.45 am as we are intending to have our hair wash at 发源地 before going out with our hair stylist that day. Due to our late arrival, we reached there at about 1pm.

In the morning there was a basketball match too with the china students.

After getting our hair-wash, we went to roller blade near our school together with our hairstylist number 20 and 28. It cost us only 8rmb( 6rmb for the entrance fee and 2 rmb for the rental of shoes). it was great fun as it was our very first time having roller blade on our heels with 4 wheels.

after roller blading we took a mini-tram back to school for just 10rmb for the 7 of us:) The tram doesn't have the license to drive in the main road hence the driver drive straight into the little town, turning into the narrow alley. It was definitely better than taking the taxi as we saw lots of things that we usually wouldn't to see. For example, rooster roaming outside the house of its owner. people playing mahjong outside their stalls.

We have to get ready for our farewell dinner at 5pm. Hence upon getting back, we walk to WUST front gate to assemble ourselves.

The dinner was held at a posh restaurant not far away from our school. Perhaps a 15 mins walk.
Dishes were to our liking. Very Singapore style and they were not too spicy or salty as what we were afraid of.

Over the past 42 days, it was because of our China peeps that help us get back the feeling of being home. Its because of their warm and hospitality that make our stay here comfortable and enjoyable. I think communication is very important in this century we are living right now. If you don't possess the skill of communicating effectively, you wouldn't be able to relate to other people regardless of how brilliant your idea is. They actually take the effort to bring us out to buy our essentials during out first few days. Buy telephone SIM card for us and ect. Without them, our stay would perhaps become topsy turvy. 

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