Saturday 3 April 2010

Day 28 - PM

Class started at 1pm today as Daryl was sick and had to be put on drip at 11am. Hence the delay.

During class today, miss neo went through with us yesterday's revision paper as Thursday is gonna be our practical  test!

Today's lesson was on communication and it is another theory chapter.
Different people have different type of learning methods. Some may find it more effective to learn using video clips, pictures, reading while some may even prefer oral. Communication is very important as everything we do is closely link to the people around us and hence we need to communicate effectively.

After lesson, we stayed behind for our project consultation. After which, we showed her our apology letter to the china teacher. Miss neo took it to her staff room to her colleagues for some comments whether it is presentable enough. After the approval and amendments( which is some some mistakes in our chinese words), we went to the level five staff room to give to the deputy director and admin staff. they were surprised by our actions and keep saying that its ok. its ok.

Ah! raining! i hate it when it is raining in China.
the floors get dirty and the weather turns cold. its difficult to get out of your house. You just feel like hibernating inside.

had 卤肉贩 after that. A dish similar to we Singaporean. Rice with toufu on top and some meat.
After that, we, Ling li and Cynthia shared some money to buy a 30rmb telephone card to call back to singapore.

We head back to the hostel after that and i started studying for my practical test.

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