Tuesday 16 March 2010

Day 12 - IS lesson

Had our second IS lesson. This time round, our teacher brought local snacks for us to eat such as Long Xu Tang. Later on she move on to show us the map of China followed by the map of Wuhan. Our Is lesson here are kind of free and easy and we were free to ask whatever question we want concerning China.
Later we were introduced to the tourist resource:
Wudang mountain
Three gorges
Chibi( red cliff)

China is a very big country as compared to Singapore. Hence they have lots of natural tourist attractions that were created by God. I also realize that the temperature changes in Wuhan here varies constantly. It can make u feel warm without the need to wear much clothes while a few hours later, the weather may turn windy and the temperature would just drop to below 10 degrees. Hence, their weather is kind of unpredictable.

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