Friday 26 March 2010

Day 21 - PM study mood turn on!

Wow! Its week 4 already and i am only left with 2 weeks before flying off. Week 5 would be our final project presentation and finally  week 6 would be in a more relax mode which means shopping mode?

well class end kind of early today because there is a written test tomorrow of 15%! afternoon was spent at mac while there is a small conflict between a customer and the cashier. The customer make a tiff in the public saying that the cashier has taken his tips and not written him. In the end, the manager came out and gave him 10 rmb.

The rest of my day was spent inside my room studying for tomorrow's test.

Reflection: this is the first time i studied with my friends overseas with my room-mate. I think it is more efficient to study this way as we can ask one another very easily and our peers can show us how to do it too instead of clarifying our matters through phone calls or MSN when we are in Singapore.

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