Friday 12 March 2010

Day 8- project management & Shopping

Does this look like our Merlion spotted outside their museum?


Our class today was extended to 12pm to complete our practical 3 and hence, our afternoon lesson had been cancelled. So what did we do......


Well basically its a shopping paradise over there with nothing but shopping centers. Whats more, there is a back alley selling nothing but girls clothing. If you are a female, i think saying goodbye to that place would most probably be one of the most difficult decision you had to make in your life. The place basically consists of all sorts of shops ranging from those high end china branded goods to commonly found brands like Levis, Giordano and Bossini. 

We took the public transport 588 home after that. Having a place to stand on the bus is MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. before the bus actually arrives, there is actually swarms of people running for the bus from far away. Each pushing and squeezing for the tiny entrance of the bus. No tiny spaces are spared. It makes you feel so warm and stuffy inside there. 

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