Wednesday 10 March 2010

this is the living condition of the local students.



this is pronounce as 'hou de puo xue, zhong yan zhi fu

the exterior of the pizza hut.

Day 7

This was taken after our lesson end when we were about to take the public bus to 'Shopping mall' - which was the name of the shopping mall. It actually means learning takes place no matter of one's age and one should live a decent live without committing crime. their local students tell us that they have to shout this out when they were serving the NS everyday.

Had Pizza Hut later on. Their menu is the same as the one we get in Singapore. Just that the design of the restaurant is slightly more luxury than the one we had in Singapore. Their pizza hut over here is always packed with people no matter which outlet you go. We had waited for 30 minutes for this Pizza hut meal. :))

We shopped till 9.30 before visiting the arcade to play bumper car for the second time. Visited wal-mart before it actually closes. Its actually like Carrefour in Singapore. Took the cab back after that and DongXiang (one of the local students) brought us to their bunk to have a look at their living condition. Their bunk actually accommodate 6 people at one time. and they don't actually enjoy facilities like we do.

i found out that their students here are very independent as compared to us. Its not easy living alone without the care of the parents. Furthermore, majority of them are also 18 years old which makes them the same age as us. i would like to learn more from them so that i do not have to rely so much from my parents after i got back. this trip makes the perfect opportunity for us to rely on ourselves and make decisions based on our daily life.

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